Quiction Donation Reward – Lynx’s Tail

A generous kitsune donated toward the preservation of my site just at the beginning of March, around when the world and certain parts of my family decided to sort of fall apart to one extent or another. Enormous thanks to said kind individual! Your patience is appreciated to an extent you may never fully know. Quiction is never supposed to take so long to knock out. Indeed, it only takes half an hour or so. However, finding creativity in a universe where nothing feels solid and everything seems a moment away from tumbling into chaos is painfully difficult. Excuses aside, thank you, thank you, thank you, dear reader! I turned about thirty different versions and approaches to this story over in my head before finding one that was as close to satisfactory to me as possible. It was very difficult to settle on one that felt right. Early attempts featured …

Donation Reward | Copy Cats

Enormous thanks to Ghost Goat (@TheGhostGoat on Twitter) for the generous donation to the site. The Prompt “If you’re up for it, can I please have a thing that doesn’t feature GG at all, except at the end, when he shows up to make something along the lines of a :/ face?” Copy Cats The office was weirdly boisterous for a Thursday afternoon. There was a buzz of excited chatter radiating from the back corner of the space. More than half of the staff from the floor were clustered around the door to Marta Lin’s office. The young Accounts Payable temp waved her hands and begged everyone to settle down, heavy scales raised slightly in flustered self-consciousness. She blinked her dark eyes at the crowd and fumbled for words. Danny, the gruff sales manager, shouldered his way through the bodies and popped out just inside the office door. The manul …

Quiction Prompt – Clarity at the End

It’s a new quiction prompt and…and none of us have even added a ring since the last one! Your humble, treeish host hopes to make this become a semi-regular occurrence—the on-timeness, that is. Life and day jobs have a propensity for interceding in the best laid of plans; BUT, I’ll give it a go! The last prompt went down like a lead a balloon…in a vacuum…over a neutron star. It was hastily arranged, had a terribly short deadline, and generally lacked motivation on the part of the prompter (me) or the prompted (whomever happened to see it). This time, I’ll be giving a longer window to play with and we’ll see what happens. If you need a refresher on how quiction works, the overview and previous exercised by Old Pines are here. Otherwise, read on. The guidelines are provided below the prompt. TLDR: the point of the quiction is to write …

Quiction Exercise #4 – Turbulence

Well, it took more trouble than it was worth (almost) to steal the time to do this warm-up. I’m rusty as fuck and not getting any sort of regular writing time in. Still, here’s this silly thing. The prompt can be found here. Final word count: 1,732. Thanks for reading. Thanks for joining in the fun(?), if you did. Thanks for watching the stream, if you did that. Thank’s for also being patient with me. The air had a metal taste shared by the previous station, but lacked the musty tones that went along with long-term habitation. “New car smell” had carried on as a term for the feeling, long after automobiles fell out of use. There was no telling how long this transport had been in service; it could have been days or years. It was old enough for a shakedown and clearance to operate, not old enough to …

Quiction Exercise #2 – Here Today, Gone Tamales

Here’s a new quiction piece, prompted by @TheGhostGoat on Twitter. “777 words on the phrase “somebody that I used to know”.” was the challenge. Here’s 777 words, on the dot, loosely related to that theme. This one leans into the furry sphere: fair warning for those who don’t hold with that sort of carry on.

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