Well…this first:
Welcome to oldpines.wtf! It’s wonderful to see you here. A brief note, to start us off on the right foot: this is a site for mature individuals. No, not an octogenarian dating site, a site for adults. No, not an Adult Site™, a site for grown-ups. Better?
Good, good.
Topics will be discussed which are not for minors: these will be appropriately tucked away. The topics, not the minors. Children should be tucked away appropriately as well, mind; and not, for instance, inside trenchcoats in groups of three. You’ll be asked to confirm that you are not three children in a trenchcoat if you are about to enter a “sensitive” part of the site.
There will be, as they say, lapses into the vernacular. The author is terribly fond of a good swear. You will see shits and damns and fucks aplenty. You will also see the odd cunt. “Who’s that?” you’re probably wondering. Why, it’s the author! Old Pines is the odd cunt.
So, if we’re all prepared to behave as grown-ups and are comfy with a bit of profanity let’s carry on, shall we?
Who’s this fucker?
Old Pines is the author of the stories, blogs, and so forth on this site. Pines is forty-three years old, open to any pronouns, one of two parents to one too-much-like-themself sapling, and spouse to a woman who has begrudgingly weathered his bullshit since late 2000. They lived together in Arkansas until the spring of 2021, when the introduction of several bills targeting LGBTQIA+ people…specifically: transgender people…even more specifically: transgender youth…including, even even more more specifically: the aforementioned sapling. The family—faced with the flood of legislation adopted against the pleas of transgender children and their parents, the advisement of the doctors and therapists who work with young folks suffering through gender dysphoria, and the overwhelming consensus of major national medical and psychological associations—decided that Arkansas had made quite clear that people like the sapling, like OP, perhaps even like yourself, dear reader, are not safe within its borders. The Pines clan made the difficult choice to seek asylum elsewhere. Debate and research yielded one option: New Mexico, OP’s birthplace, a state with a better environment for LGBTQIA+ people, and one with a climate that would be better for the trio’s health. Since then, the sapling graduated high school and has entered university. His treatments resumed and the path, HIS path, is once again open to be walked as he desires. He made it to adulthood, against the odds imposed by mental health and the carnival of cruel people who would rather see LGBTQIA+ people dead than happy.
Wait…That’s “furry”!
Examples of my stumbling attempts at wordcraft have already been shared on a handful of websites. The themes of those locations — all of which are couched in the anthropomorphic animal fandom community — fit the stories that have been woven so far; however, they leave little in the way of room for expansion into other material, hence the creation of this site.
Those works which have been previously uploaded to fandom sites will be shared here as well. Some works may have content which isn’t particularly befitting “polite company” (whatever the fuck that is); so, those are the places where readers may be asked to confirm their age before proceeding. I will beg your patience with this and thank you deeply in advance for your understanding.
Where’s that feedback?
Comments are always encouraged on the stories posted herein. I am, at best, a novice writer and always interested in growing through feedback. If you loved something about a story or loathed something about one (or anything in between), please tell me.
Wholly thankful fellow
I appreciate you for stopping by and for taking the time to read! If you like what you find here and find yourself wanting to support my continued efforts, donations are welcome on my Ko-Fi or via CashApp.
Thank you, also, for sharing these works with any friends, loved ones, or unwitting strangers who may be interested in my textual nonsense!
~ Old Pines
Worlds taking form…
I’ve always faffed about with storytelling in one fashion or another. Due to work and family obligations taking precedence, I don’t have a set release schedule for writing projects. Your patience and understanding are appreciated. While the site gradually takes form, please consider reading one of the stories below. Both are in the process of being edited for posting here. If you note that it’s been forever since something has been updated, fret not; it is because life just keeps fucking happening. When moments allow, these worlds too will continue to turn.
Writers’ Tomfoolery